Wednesday, February 2, 2011

February challeng and BBQ chicken

A friend has challenged a bunch of us to a have 'loving and happy' month, in essence to put a positive spin on the craptastic events in our lives. I said I'd participate, then started thinking about the challenge. I pretty much live my whole life that way. I'm totally a glass 1/2 full, look at the bright, we can figure this out, kind of person. Changes and obstacles used to freak me out as a kid and young adult. I can remember my mom trying to convince me that I'd be ok when some event in my life changed, amist me freaking out hysterically crying and screaming thinking my life was ruined and nothing would ever be right again. (drama much, lol the joys of being a teenage girl) My life was forever changed over a three year span where I lost two babies, had to watch my dad's health decline before my eyes, had a baby and `then lost my dad. I got to see what was at the bottom of that 1/2 empty glass, saw the dark side and had absolutally zero control over any of the events happening in my life. I wrote in my first post that I was starting to come out of that dark place finally, and that I was excited for the future. It's true, I'm thankful for every day, thankful for the loving people in my life. I learned 3 Februarys ago that our time together is limited, why waste a moment being angry? Why let the nasty person in front of me in line ruin my day? I know my life isn't perfect, but I know how much worse it could be. If you need to be in my lane so badly that you will jepordize your life then let me slow down so you can get in and not put my family in the hospital.
Examining my life and outlook for this challenge has made me ridiculously happy, because I have changed, come out of the black cloud funk. I am a happy Momma. February will forever be a month of reminders, reminding me to love everyday, reminding to not take others for granted, reminding me what loss feels like, and what it feels like to be reborn....reminding me that I was right as a teenage girl....all we need is love.

BBQ chicken casserole w/ Cornbread topping (because who doesn't love BBQ?)

1 cup of cooked chicken shredded or cubed in the crock pot
1 bottle of your fave bbq sauce
1/4 cup of water
1 cubed sweet potato
1 cup of frozen corn

on top of the bbq chicken mixture pour on a cornbread mix ( like a box of Jiffy, or I love Martha White's cornbread so that's what I use) Cover and cook on low for 6-8 hrs.